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Warehouse size: 6,159 m2 Patio: 3,902 m2 16 leveling ramps. Bathrooms and offices with 120 m2 Loading docks at 1.20 meters high. Leveling ramps with brand roller shades "Blue jay" and neoprene bumpers to the frames. Ramps (one per warehouse) with a width of 4 x 15 meters in length for tractor inlet. Galvalum foil cover enshrined with 2 ”thick, 12% fiberglass thermal insulation Translucent sheet increasing natural lighting. Asphalt pavi...ng throughout the maneuvering yard. Fire system. Polished concrete floors with resistance of 250 kgs / cm2 reinforced with dramix. Lighting with metal additive lamps and 1000 watts each. Rainwater downspouts with discharge to the sides exterior of the ship. Perimeter walls of block 3 meters high and sheet paint up to 12 meters. 180 m3 cistern linked to the fire fighting system. Other services Water: There are 3 cisterns. Light: There is a 1,000 kva substation. Surveillance: 24 hours a day. Maintenance: 24 hrs. Compressed air. Closed Circuit System. EasyBroker ID: EB-FY8678